
Young Girl with Slippers |
'Plum' |

Acrylic Painting |
Paintings in acyrlics, oil pastel, mixed media. Also limited edition printmaking with
high relief with textural appeal.See works in realism, surrealism, miniatures and a wealth of illustrations.
My paintings can be found on the '2 D: Illustrated' page and throughout
KasArt Alley. The 'Current Exhibit' page will show some of the most up to date paintings just back
from New York. A Portland Showing of this work will be in May 2007.
'Page A' is where you can see earlier work. It is what I call the 'Comprehensive 2-D
- 'Printmaking' Tap on 'Printmaking' Page
- 'Sketchs' Tap on the 'Sketchbook'

'Majesty' Limited Edition Print unframed $50 |
Tap on 'Sketchbook' Page for more |
'Unibrow' copyright Kate Stigdon 2003 |
~My 3 inch square limited edition prints are
done on a hundred year old fine art press ~
To see more tap on the 'Printmaking' page.
'Seeds of Intersession' |

Limited Edition Sculpturegraph $ 50 |
~A Host of Kind Faces~
The 'Knapp House' copyright Kate Stigdon 2004 |
From the 'Current Exhibit' Hand pulled prints available for $55 |
Oil Paintings and Prints from my exhibit celebrating
house and home in the mid 20th Century.
This oil painting
below,painted in sepia tones, is from a snapshot of my mother, aunt and uncle, back in 1950.
(Tap on 'Exhibits'
for more images.)
'A Host of Kind Faces' was on exhibit
through 2005 and celebrated a 330 year old colonial house in New York and the last residents to live there.
Title: '1950, The Greenhouse'
Oils on wood, copyright
Kate Stigdon 2004
~The 'Surreal' Miniatures~
These paintings sometimes measure as little as a square inche.
Tap on '2 D Illustrated' for much more.
'Eye of the Jubilee' Copyright 2003 |
Sold ( 2" x 2 ") $375 |
Through the decades:
~The Comprehensive
2D Fine
Art Gallery~
Tap on 'Page A' for much more.
On this page you will see a history of 2 D works. Some are sold or in private collections, but others are still available.
The various bodies of work range in style and mediums as my emphasis has always been changing. I have always
felt this is a part of the endless stroke and what I call my purple line; the continum of the creative proccess and the deliberate
constructing of dreams . . .
copyright Kas 'The Pine Room' 2003/Sold |
~The Realistic Miniature Series~
"Still life with Artichoke" 3" x 3" (sold)
Tap on Page B for more images
'Realism Miniatures' Tap Page B for more Images |
Copyright Kate Stigdon Still Life 2003/Sold |
"Tap through the creative meanderings of Kas"